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Building up your Retirement Savings

We offer a default fund and 7 self-select funds as investment options to suit your personal circumstances and preference to investment risk. Your Retirement Savings will automatically be invested in the default fund. However, you may decide that you wish to self-select investments to better match your savings goals.

Each fund has a charge to cover the investment of your Retirement Savings which vary depending on the fund your contributions are invested in. Details of each fund’s investment charge can be found on the fund factsheets.

All of our funds are closely monitored by the Trustee, its Investment Committee, and Investment Consultant, who ensure the funds are managed effectively and perform in line with the Trustee’s expectations to provide Members with the best value for money.

When selecting the funds in which your contributions are to be invested in, you should consider the importance of spreading the risk across different types of funds and how risky each type of investment is. Actively managed funds aim to outperform the market by taking additional risk, while passive funds aim to track the market whilst taking as little risk as possible. If you are in any doubt you may wish to seek independent financial advice.

If you wish to change your investment selection, please complete the Investment Options form which can be found on evoLink.

Target of 3% above inflation

Risk Rating

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Lifestyle has been designed to automatically manage Members’ investments and gradually reduce risk from age 50 up to 75.

This strategy is intended to achieve strong investment growth in the Member’s early years of employment. It then progressively switches into other asset classes to reduce exposure to the stock market near retirement age. With working patterns changing and retirement ages variable, the Lifestyle strategy allows Members the freedom to access their savings anytime from age 55, in the knowledge that their investments are continually monitored and adjusted up to the age of 75.

The Lifestyle strategy aims to achieve this pattern by moving through three funds with reducing risk levels. The funds are made up of a blend of asset classes, including stocks and shares, corporate and government bonds, and property. These blends are designed by Crystal and managed by Legal and General Investment Management (LGIM). These funds are given an implicit ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) score of at least 50%, using LGIM’s Future World (FW) Range.

The chart outlines the overall strategy, reflective of an individual’s period of saving.

Download factsheet