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Responsible Investment

We believe that abiding by Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) guidelines gives the potential to add value when integrated into the investment process for long-term investors and specifically, we believe it helps control risk.

Following a review of the funds available to Members, the Trustee implemented a change to ensure that the Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM) Lifestyle strategy have a much improved ESG score. In addition to the Lifestyle strategy, all other funds including the Target Date Funds and self-selected range have been fully assessed for ESG considerations and the Trustee continue to work with the Investment Managers to ensure they are suitable for Members’ retirement savings.

The Trustee maintains a close relationship with the Investment Managers to ensure its instructions are being accurately reflected and frequently request updates to see how the position has improved over time.

The Trustee continues to improve the ESG rating of funds with a focus on exploring a wholly ESG centred fund available to Members as a self-select option.

Read the Climate-related financial disclosures report here.